Q-LNG Transport, LLC (“Q-LNG”) was formed to own and operate assets providing marine transportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a fuel source to various ports in Florida and the Caribbean, commencing with a long-term contract with Shell Trading Company.

Q-LNG constructed the United States’ first offshore LNG Articulated Tug and Barge (“ATB”). The ATB is an integral part of the LNG infrastructure development in the cruise entertainment industry and is designed to provide ship-to-ship transfers of LNG to vessels utilizing LNG as a fuel source, and also ship-to-shore transfers to small scale marine distribution infrastructure in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and abroad.

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Interested in learning more about Q-LNG Transport? Contact us for more information.

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(504) 648-5343




701 Poydras Street Suite 3700
New Orleans, LA 70139